Thank you Charlie!!!
Things are coming together… At 14 days out, I still hadn’t packed, but I feel like forward progress was being made.
Over the winter, I forgot completely about winterizing my trailer. And, you guessed it, my hot water heater tank froze and busted. The crack in the tank might as well have been the size of the Grand Canyon.
After pricing a new one at the dealer, they wanted I considered just bypassing the thing and going with only cold water on the trip. But Ole Charlie came to the rescue. Charlie is a jack of all trades, one of which is trailer repairs.
Paul met Charlie some years ago over a trailer issue. Lucky for me, Charlie has been good to me since Paul’s departure. I think Paul prompted me from the great beyond to call Charlie for his opinion.
Monday, Charlie came and installed the new hot water tank and heater, and I am ready to go. Wahoo!!!
Thank you, Charlie!!!