It’s all about the dogs, right?
Last year, when Mom and I embarked on a similar trip, it was 2 Pugs and a Great Dane. Since then, Suki has been rehomed and Milo has moved in. Now, its 2 Danes and a Pug.
Taking 3 dogs in a 27’ trailer might be considered crazy. I prefer to think of it as gutsy. Even so, it does take some planning. Getting 3 dogs, 2 kennels, dog food and enough stuff for both Denise and I could take a shoehorn. Luckily, I have one.
Abigail won’t need a cage, but Milo definitely does. Ginger sometimes prefers one. Ginger isn’t a problem as her cage is already in the trailer, but Milo requires the 48” job. To accommodate him and his cage I had to put the dinette down and secure his cage to the bench seats.
Last night was the test run with fences, cages, and dogs. I was afraid Milo would challenge the fence. I replace last year’s 36” tall fence with a 48” tall one. It would just take Milo reaching his paw out to knock it down, but luckily he didn’t do that. Not to say he wouldn’t if a cat, dog, person or butterfly was to come by.
We did made it through the night, but I’m exhausted. It took about an hour for the kids to get settled once inside the trailer. Milo got into the trailer and immediately took over the couch. Then Abigail wanted to be on the couch, so I tried relocating Milo to his cage, but he wasn’t having any of it.
Finally, I got Abigail in the bunk, Milo in his cage with the door open and Ginger on the couch with me.
Shift – Milo on the floor, Abigail on the Couch with me and Ginger on the floor. Shift – Milo locked in his cage, Abigail and Ginger on the couch and me in the bed, whew.
2 am woke up to both Milo and Abigail howling, barking and generally making every effort to get my attention. Bathroom break.
We finally settled with Abigail and Ginger back on the couch and Milo with me on the bed. He didn’t jump up, he kinda crawled in with a little help from a friend.
Peace at last…